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The Value of a Robust LinkedIn Profile in your Job Search -- William Brassington, CEO, Relevante, Inc.

In today’s job market, having a strong online presence is essential, and a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a critical component of that presence. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site, with over 700 million users, and it provides a wealth of opportunities for job seekers to connect with potential employers and showcase their skills and experience. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having a strong LinkedIn profile in your job search, including the ability to connect with recruiters, receive recommendations from past managers and colleagues, summarize your contributions to each job, and show yourself as a whole person.

Connecting with Recruiters

One of the most significant benefits of having a strong LinkedIn profile is the ability to connect with recruiters. LinkedIn is a popular platform for recruiters to find and vet potential job candidates, so having a well-crafted profile increases your visibility to recruiters. You can also use LinkedIn to search for job postings and connect with recruiters at companies you are interested in.

To make the most of your LinkedIn profile, be sure to include all relevant information about your work history, education, and skills. Use keywords in your profile that are commonly used in your industry, as this will increase the chances of recruiters finding your profile when they search for candidates. You can also customize your LinkedIn URL to make it more professional and easier to share with potential employers.

Recommendations from Past Managers and Colleagues

Another benefit of having a strong LinkedIn profile is the ability to receive recommendations from past managers and colleagues. Recommendations are a powerful tool in your job search, as they provide social proof of your skills and experience. When potential employers see that other professionals have endorsed you, it helps build trust and credibility.

To get recommendations on LinkedIn, reach out to former colleagues and managers and ask if they would be willing to write a recommendation for you. Be specific about what you would like them to focus on in their recommendation, such as a particular project you worked on together or a skill you demonstrated. When you receive a recommendation, be sure to thank the person and consider returning the favor by writing a recommendation for them.

Summarizing Your Contributions to Each Job

Your LinkedIn profile is also an excellent place to summarize your contributions to each job you have held. Use bullet points to highlight your accomplishments and contributions, focusing on specific metrics or results when possible. This is your chance to showcase your expertise and demonstrate how you have added value to previous organizations.

When summarizing your contributions, be sure to focus on the most important aspects of your job. Highlight any awards or recognition you received, and provide examples of how you went above and beyond your job responsibilities. This will help you stand out to potential employers and show that you are a top performer in your field.

Showing Yourself as a Whole Person

Finally, having a strong LinkedIn profile allows you to show yourself as a whole person, not just a list of skills and job titles. Use your profile to highlight your interests, volunteer work, and any other activities that showcase your personality and character.

Potential employers are not just looking for someone who can do the job; they want to hire someone who will fit in with their culture and values. By sharing more about yourself on your LinkedIn profile, you increase your chances of making a connection with potential employers and demonstrating that you are a well-rounded individual.


In conclusion, having a strong LinkedIn profile is an essential component of any job search strategy. It allows you to connect with recruiters, receive recommendations from past managers and colleagues, summarize your contributions to each job, and show yourself as a whole person. By taking the time to craft a well-written and professional profile, you increase your visibility to potential employers and demonstrate your expertise and value in your field.

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