Our Process

We are experts in performing both a passive and an active candidate search. We consider job requirements, as well as your individual preferences, to develop keyword-rich parameters for job titles and descriptions. We use these specific parameters for both our active and passive search efforts, thus increasing the speed at which we can provide options for your open position, as well as elevating the quality of your candidate pool.

Social Responsibility | Relevante | Consulting Solutions Services

    Emerge with the Workforce.

    Real business and technology challenges demand solutions that extend the value of complex, knowledge-based business activities.

    An active candidate search is designed to source candidates who are currently seeking employment.

    We use the following tools for this type of search:

    • Our internal database
    • Social Media
    • Recruiting Platforms

    A passive candidate search targets people with the needed skill set who may not be actively applying for jobs.

    In conducting a passive search, we utilize:

    • Social Media
    • Personal Networks
    • Our Internal database
    • Professional Associations

    Our active and passive search processes provide us with pipelines to build candidates’ interest in the position being offered.

    We are also able confirm that they have the skill set, work ethic, personality, and desire to take the position. In short, we ensure that candidates fit the profile we create during the Job Intake interview.

    Our Submittal Process


    Once quality candidates have been vetted, we submit them to the client for consideration. In addition to summarizing their career history, we offer insights to provide a well-rounded overview of any candidate we submit to you. We reflect on the soft skills we observe during our communications to help you understand the candidate as a whole person.


    After a candidate is submitted, we meet with you for your feedback. If necessary, we further specify the skill sets required and redirect the search to find the right candidate. If you have a positive impression of the candidate, you then begin the interview process, leading to a placement.

    • We help our clients coordinate and schedule interviews with the candidates.
    • We prepare candidates for their interviews so that everyone’s time is used most efficiently and productively.
    • We educate candidates on your interview process and provide them with an overview of your company.
    • We discuss the culture of your company, and make sure they understand the job title and position of the person who will be conducting the interview.
    • Finally, we review the job description so that your candidate will be thoroughly prepared for a dynamic discussion of the position being offered.