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The Importance of Researching a Company Prior to a Job Interview - by William Brassington

The Importance of Researching a Company Prior to a Job Interview

By: William Brassington, CEO, Relevante, Inc.


Securing a job interview is an exciting opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications to a potential employer. However, it is crucial to remember that an interview is a two-way street, as it allows you to evaluate the company and determine if it aligns with your career goals and values. To make the most of this opportunity, conducting thorough research on the company prior to the interview is essential. In this article, we will explore the importance of researching a company and provide valuable tips on how to gather relevant information effectively.

1. Demonstrate Genuine Interest

One of the primary reasons to research a company before a job interview is to demonstrate genuine interest in the organization. Employers appreciate candidates who take the time to learn about their company’s history, mission, values, and culture. By showing your knowledge during the interview, you convey your enthusiasm and dedication to becoming part of the company’s journey.

2. Understand the Company’s Culture

Company culture plays a significant role in determining job satisfaction and long-term success within an organization. By researching the company beforehand, you gain insight into its work environment, values, and employee expectations. This knowledge allows you to assess if the company’s culture aligns with your own working style and preferences. Furthermore, it enables you to tailor your interview responses to highlight how your skills and personality align with their culture, making you a stronger candidate.

3. Tailor Your Responses

In-depth research enables you to anticipate the types of questions the interviewer might ask and tailor your responses accordingly. By understanding the company’s values, goals, and recent achievements, you can align your experiences and accomplishments with their specific needs. This approach demonstrates that you have taken the time to understand their requirements and are genuinely interested in contributing to their success.

4. Identify Key Challenges and Opportunities

A thorough understanding of the company’s industry, competitors, and market position enables you to identify key challenges and opportunities they may be facing. This knowledge empowers you to ask insightful questions during the interview, showcasing your critical thinking skills and strategic mindset. It also allows you to provide suggestions and ideas on how you can contribute to the company’s growth and help them overcome their challenges.

5. Find Common Connections

Researching a company before an interview can help you identify any common connections you may have within the organization. Utilize professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to discover if you share any mutual contacts or if you have connections who have previously worked for the company. These connections can provide valuable insights into the company’s culture and potentially offer referrals or recommendations, increasing your chances of success.

Effective Research Strategies:

– Start with the company’s website: Explore the “About Us” section, mission statements, values, product or service offerings, and recent news or press releases.

– Study the industry: Familiarize yourself with the company’s competitors, market trends, and any significant industry challenges or opportunities.

– Check social media: Investigate the company’s presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook to gain additional insights, news updates, and employee perspectives.

– Read company reviews: Look for employee reviews on websites like Glassdoor to gain insights into the company’s work environment, management style, and employee experiences.

– Seek out recent news articles: Search for recent news articles or press releases about the company to stay up to date with their latest achievements, projects, or challenges.


Researching a company before a job interview is a valuable investment of your time and effort. It allows you to demonstrate genuine interest, understand the company’s culture, tailor your responses effectively, identify challenges and opportunities, and find common connections. By undertaking comprehensive research, you position yourself as a well-prepared candidate who is genuinely motivated to contribute to the company’s success.